CHEM 1105L – General Chemistry I Lab

CHEM 1105L - General Chemistry I Laboratory

Course Description

Laboratory experiences that supplement and illustrate the concepts presented in Chemistry 1105.

This course will provide an introduction to the basic techniques and methods of chemistry. Course objectives will primarily be met through the use of hands-on experiments. There will also be a few computer activities to reinforce topics such as safety, chemical nomenclature, and data analysis. Topics such as gas laws, acid-base chemistry, gravimetric analysis, and enthalpy will be covered.

Course Materials

Lab kit: The lab kit for this course is eScienceLab’s “2nd Edition General Chemistry – Version 1” (SKU: Kit4251).
Students planning to enroll in both CHEM 1105L and 1106L during the summer may choose to purchase “2nd Edition General Chemistry – Version 3” (SKU: Kit4253).

Supplemental textbook (optional): “Chemistry”, 2nd ed, at

Syllabus (PDF)

Dates: May 20 – June 25

Department: Chemistry

Course:  CHEM 1105L

Credit Hours:  1

Corequisite: CHEM 1105


IID Laboratory Science requirement
(when taken with corresponding lab course CHEM 1105)

The above requirements are from the Randolph College general education program.  Check with your home institution to see if this course fulfills your requirements.

Tuition & Fees:

Tuition: $750

Lab Kit: $208 (you can purchase the lab kits for both CHEM 1105L and CHEM 1106L as a bundle for $313 plus shipping)

Textbooks and other course materials can be purchased separately from the source of your choosing.

Your Instructor: Summer 1

Jesse Kern

Jesse KernAssistant Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Baker University; Ph.D., University of Kansas

Physical chemistry has been a passion of mine ever since my first undergraduate thermodynamics course. Physical chemistry gracefully connects the fundamental physical descriptions of matter with the everyday properties of matter that we know and love. I teach courses in quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, as well as introductory general chemistry. I also advise chemistry majors interested in pursuing graduate school.

My current research interests are related to phenomena that occur at surfaces. We primarily use simulation techniques such as molecular dynamics and Density Functional Theory to understand surface structure and properties on the atomic scale.

Register for Summer Session